YA Books Podcast Interview with Bianca Rowena
Today my first Podcast interview went live! I talked with Phillilp E. Carroll from YA Books Podcast about everything from where I was...

Meet the Author Interview on Heidi Angell's Book Blog!
I was fortunately enough to be featured on Heidi Angell's Blog today! She's done lots of author interviews and book reviews on her blog...

First Calgary Author Signing!
I’m so excited to be doing author signings this fall! The Indigo store in S.E. Calgary will be my first one for this season. I will be...

It’s Finally Here!
My new novel is now available for sale on Amazon.com! A very happy moment 😀 I’ve been working on this novel for over 2 years now. What...

The Gift Stone Book Cover Reveal
I'm so excited to finally be showcasing the beautiful book cover of my upcoming novel The Gift Stone! A special thanks to Jane Alex Kot,...

The Gift Stone: Book Cover Reveal!
If you’re wondering why I’ve been away from blogging for so long it’s because I’ve been hiding away working hard on my latest novel, a...

Blogger Q&A Tag: My Turn…
I have been tagged by Mandy Eve Barnett https://mandyevebarnett.com to play along with this Q&A, so here goes! Rules: Thank the blogger...

Connecting with the fans <3
When I first watched the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens in theaters, it was my first time ever watching a Star Wars movie. I...

Connecting with the fans <3
When I first watched the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens in theaters, it was my first time ever watching a Star Wars movie. I...

Celebrating Words Festival 2016
Come out to Celebrating Words Festival this weekend! I will be doing a reading from one of my new and upcoming teen novels at the...