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The Long Wait. Publication pending…

2015-06-29 09.09.04_resized_1

I’ll be publishing my first novel soon!

I had never intended to publish The Virgin Diaries. I was hopeful for a sci-fi novel I was working on and a mid-grade novel to be my first published novel. But after I saw the interest The Virgin Diaries generated online I decided to make it my first published novel. I had no idea how much work it would take!

And now, a year later, the anticipation of its release is overwhelming. Currently the things I need done are out of my hands and I wait… The book cover is being re-worked, again, the website is being outlined, the manuscript itself is with a friend for a final line-edit. My hands are tied but I feel like I’m pacing endlessly, impatiently. So many little details need to fall into place before I’m ready to send this novel to CreateSpace for approval and receive my book proof. Then I get to do the fun stuff, advertise and do book fairs and author readings 😀  But for now, I wait.

Sometimes I wonder what drives authors to go through so much stress and invest so much time and effort into a novel. I think it starts with the desire to create, which transitions into a desire to share what you’ve created. Then, in the process of sharing, I’ve discovered that there are readers that enjoy my work, or can relate to it. That’s a great feeling! So I want to create, share and connect. I think in the end that’s what drives me and maybe others to create and share, that universal desire to connect with others 🙂



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